Sunday, 11 December 2011

Dressing the Tree(s)

Yesterday, we bought a real Christmas tree to put in the hallway.
It's the first time we have put one here but it seemed like a good idea.

We got the box of old decorations from the loft and had a sort through, Lianne decided on a blue and lilac theme.

Once the lights and baubles were in place we were quite happy with the result.

I took this one today with a little daylight from the front door, I love the glow.

Finding the old decorations was fun and I found this polar bear balancing on ice cubes, so cute :)

This tree is very different from the one I've had in the lounge for the last few years which is very modern. I'll add that one tomorrow with some new pieces added this year.



  1. That is really pretty Linda, love the colour scheme.Wish we had a real one too, i just adore the smell of a real tree.x

  2. Looks lovely Linda. Love your 'Foxes' bear.

    We will have a real one too.


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