Saturday, 4 December 2010

The Big Event

Last weekend , Lynn kindly invited me up to Suffolk to join her for the first Your Creations - The Big Event.
It was held in Henley Community Centre and organised by Anna Parker.
Two shops had stalls for the day PaperMaze and Crafts and Candelight.
Desk Ted joined us in the main hall.

This is the kit we could purchase to complete the classes and where necessary buy extra bits.
The papers are 'Everybody Loves Christmas' from Echo Park.


There were classes thoughout the day, we didn't do the first two as they were for beginners and so I used the time to complete my Scrapology January layout which I have to keep under wraps for the time being :)

After lunch we attended a class by Karen Leonard to make a Christmas gift box.

Here is mine, it's made from 2 sheets of 12x12 paper.

The poinsettia was cut from a template then layered.

I filled mine with beautiful ribbons and trims from Papermaze.

I will share the rest once I have completed them :)

1 comment:

  1. Your box looks great, love the addition of glitter to the flower. The ribbons look lush!


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