Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Just call me Martha........

I know, I know, I know!
I saw these on QVC Saturday, they were the TSV, and just had to have them.
I just can't resist Martha Stewart punches, they are sooooo beautiful.
The other option was christmas snowflakes and I already had the round the page set, but, the deep edge was a strip of snowflakes which I just had to have too.
Can't wait for it to arrive.

Am going to sell the round the page set (snowflakes) as don't need two :)
Let me know if you are interested?
Watch this space.....


  1. Naughty but very nice! x

  2. he!he!he! You are soooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaad Linda.....but SO good at it LOL..xxxxx


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