Thursday, 29 July 2010

Elephants on Parade 2010. cont.....2.

Elephant 154 - Gilt
Artist: Lily Lewis

Elephant 254 - Cocoa the Elephant
Artist: William Curley

Elephant 96 - Dandi-Phant
Artist: Ellen Anderson

Elephant 197 - Haathini
Artist: Penelope Patrick

Elephant 215 - Rainforest
Artist: Ruth Green

Elephant 53 - Nana
Artist: Alexander Millar

Elephant 234 - Peony
Artist: Sophie Coryndon

Elephant 182 - Fatima
Artist: Natasha Mann

Elephant 237 - Freedom
Artist: Izabela Kaliszewska

Elephant 16 - Mrs Stripe
Artist: Nongkaln Pommigmas


  1. Great photos Linda. That dandelion design reminds me of something about to be revealed!!

  2. Not sure Lynn, am still in the process of cataloging/blogging them.
    Quite a few more to come :)


Thank-You for your lovely comments. they are really appreciated x