Friday, 26 November 2010

One for Zoe (and Anita)

Following my post introducing George, Zoe commented that she was sure he'd like to go stay with her.

Well, he must have heard Zoe as he climbed into this jiffy bag ready to be posted out to you!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

A one liner......

My Friend Steve commented on FB the other day following my blogpost about John Lewis Christmas decorations and I've been laughing about it ever since:

The mind of a mad woman........the cards of a creative wizard.

I think its perfect - Thanks Steve :)

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

New Baby Girl

Denise called at the weekend and asked for a baby girl card.
Unfortunately I didn't have any made up already so I quickly found my Forever Friends 6x6 pad and made the following.

The paper pads hve several of each design so I cut out and decoupaged the bears.

The message is from SU and was a promotional set in the summer.
It has some lovely sentiments and I found that this one fit perfectly into the oval punch shape.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Christmas Decorations...

Last Sunday we went to Bluewater to get a few things.
We went into John Lewis and the Christmas decorations were so pretty I wanted to share them with you.
An atrium fills the centre of the store over 4 levels and these coloured dics cascade down from the top.

It was very hard to get a decent photograph but I'm sure you get the idea.

Directly underneath....

And these are on the ceilings throughout.

While in the basement, which is electrical/kitchen etc, there was a lady demonstrating Nespresso coffee makers. Those that know me know that I like my coffee like mud so we tried the Espresso.
Hooked!  We bought a Krupps coffee machine and have been playing today :)

Monday, 22 November 2010

Introducing George...

Recently I introduced you to Ariel, our cat rescued from Battersea Dogs Home.

Here she is sitting under my umbrella, it's raining cats and (dogs) more cats!

So, I can now introduce you to George....

George joined our family on Wednesday last week and at first we weren't sure if he was George or she was Georgina.

A trip to the vet on Saturday sorted that and - It's a boy!

Lianne found him asleep on her bed when she woke on Friday.

I decided he was a special delivery. He loved playing in this box.

We were very concerned about how the two of them would get on so kept them separate while we were out of the house. Over the weekend they were allowed to interact and Sunday found them as the best of friends.

Ariel's the boss though - George, you will have a wash!!

There is an amount of hissing and batting but I think they'll get along just fine.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Desk Ted in Hailsham - part two

Auntie Anita sent the following update of Ted's adventures...

Ted thought he would be really helpful and assisted me with the start of the chrimbo pressie wrapping.....very festive!

He developed a liking for anything shiny and sparkly...I think he wears it well. Watch out Gok!!!


Nosy Ted, just had to have a peek!

Not content with just seeing his name in lights Ted decided to see HIMSELF in lights instead!


Thanks Auntie Anita - it's been great to stay with you :)

Desk Ted is still away from home having more adventures - watch this space....

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Desk Ted goes to Hailsham

Desk Ted has been to stay with Auntie Anita and family.

He went to see the local town football club play.....they lost!!!

He thought he would give the Wii a try

and ended up doing quite well!

He became quite the local stud and chatted up the birds, even pulled a couple!!!

More adventures to follow....

Monday, 15 November 2010

Ariel ventures out......

Ariel ventured out on her own on Saturday - while I bit my nails with worry! :)

She was fine though and enjoyed her (many) excursions during the day (in and out like a yoyo)

But returned to her favourite place in the kitchen next to her food bowl.
I have never know such a small cat to eat so much lol!

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Talented Friends

Last week I went to our monthy crop at Cardinal Colours and was given the most beautiful birthday cards by my very talented friends.








Lynn made the most amazing cake too, marbled sponge covered with white chocolate and pink smarties.

We had a lovely day as always, thanks Jill, and I finished a page too but I can't show you just yet (winks)

Friday, 12 November 2010

Desk Ted helped celebrate my birthday...

Last Friday was my birthday and Desk Ted came along to the Princess Garden Restaurant to help me celebrate with friends and family.

Think he had a beer too many?

He's been away this week so we'll have lots of news to share soon.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Promarker prize on Scrapology

Cardinal Colours have offered the most amazing prize for the Scrapology November challenge, click here for details.

A fabulous prize from our lovely Jill - Thanks!

Soooo, what are you waiting for head over to Scrapology and enter your LO to be in with a chance to win. I'm feeling generous (being my birthday month) I will be offering little spot prizes thoughout the month, so two chances to win!

NB you must be a follower of the blog to win :)

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Poppy Appeal

On Thursday the armed forces were out selling poppies.

The lady below was outside our office playing the bagpipes.

Unique way to start the day.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Desk Ted's week

Desk Ted has spent the week with Auntie Zoe and went to do some work experience.

Here he is working behind the counter

He's got it in the bag....

Weighing up his options...

And back home, tired but happy.

Thanks for having me Auntie Zoe :)

Friday, 5 November 2010

Inspired by Mrs Wonka

At the weekend I made some cupcakes which were inspired by Mrs Wonka, see her post here.

Here they are displayed on the cake stand Lynn bought me for my birthday last year :)

As I was cooking dinner at the same time I had to use a roasting tin instead of a baking tray so they weren't as uniform as I would have liked. Great fun to make although I didn't do the mallow filling.

Here's a close-up. And yes, they were yummy!

Something to look forward to....

How exciting, Jill at Cardinal Colours has announced the 2011 retreat!, see here for details....

Thursday, 4 November 2010

A November Wedding

Kerry from work is off to S.A. on Thursday to attend her friends wedding, below is
the invitiation she received.

She asked me to make them a card along the same theme and this is the result.

I cut a pearlescent card to make a 6x6 size and added ribbons from my stash to best emulate the colours.
I added a crystal buckle (Glue had not dried in the photo :( unfortunately)

The letters were cut from Ashlyn's alphabet cricut cartridge and embellished with gems.